Convert a String to long without using C#’s built in function?

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace StringToLong
class StringToLong
private static long ConvertString(string str)
int len = str.Length;
bool blNegative = false;

int index = blNegative? 1:0;

if (str[0].Equals("-"))
blNegative = true;

long lnResult = 0;

do {
lnResult *= 10;
int i = str[index] - 48; //ASCII zero
if (i < 0 | i > 9)
throw new FormatException();

lnResult += i;
} while(len > index);

return blNegative? -lnResult:lnResult;

static void Main(string[] args)
string str1 = "35111111111";




In Java

public static void main(String[] args) {
String s = "35";
long ans = parse(s);

public final static long parse(CharSequence d) {
int l = d.length();
boolean n= d.charAt(0) == '-';
long v = 0;
int p = n?1:0;
do {
v *= 10;
int i = d.charAt(p) - 48;
if (i < 0 | i > 9)
throw new NumberFormatException(d+"");
v += i;
} while (l > p);
return n?-v:v;

Trinary Tree in Java

Implement insert and delete in a tri-nary tree. Much like a binary-tree but with 3 child nodes for each parent instead of two — with the left node being values < parent, the right node values > parent, and the middle node values == parent. For example, if I added the following nodes to the tree in this
order: 5, 4, 9, 5, 7, 2, 2

package TrinaryTree;

public class TrinaryTree {

    //Main function
  public static void main(String[] args)
      //Sample tree values rooted at 5
      int Values[] = {5, 4, 9, 5, 7, 2, 2};

      //Create Tree
      TrinaryTree tree = new TrinaryTree();

      //Populate tree
      tree.Populate(Values, 7);


  //Define a tree node
  static class Node
      //Left is less than node value
      Node left;
      //Middle is equal to node value
      Node middle;
      //Right is greater than node value
      Node right;

      //Node value
      int value;

      public Node(int value)
          this.value = value;

  //Populate method: receives an
  //array of integers along with
  //its size (n)
  public void Populate(int A[], int n)
      //Tree rooted at the first
      //element of the array
      Node root = new Node(A[0]);

      //Insert values into the tree
      for (int i = 1; i < n; i++)
          Insert(root, A[i]);

      //Print tree


  //Insert a node into the tree
  public void Insert(Node node, int value)
      //If the value to be inserted
      //is less than node value then
      //we either inserts it as the
      //left child if it does not exist
      //or recursively call the insert
      //on the left child if it does exist
      if (value < node.value)
          //Left child exist
          if (node.left != null)
              Insert(node.left, value);
          //Left child does not exist
          //so create it
              node.left = new Node(value);
      //Same reasoning as above but for right
      else if (value > node.value)
          if (node.right != null)
              Insert(node.right, value);
              node.right = new Node(value);
      //Same reasoning as above but for middle
          if (node.middle != null)
              Insert(node.middle, value);
              node.middle = new Node(value);

  public Node Delete(Node node, int value)
      if (node.value > value)
          node.left = Delete(node.left, value);
      else if(node.value < value)
          node.right = Delete(node.right, value);
          if (node.middle != null)
              node.middle = Delete(node.middle, value);
          else if(node.right != null)
              int min = minimum(node.right).value;
              node.value = min;
              node.right = Delete(node.right, min);
              node = node.left;
      return node;

  protected Node minimum(Node node)
      if(node != null)
          while (node.left != null)
              return minimum(node.left);

      return node;

  //Recursive method to print the
  //whole tree
  public void Print(Node root)
      if (root != null)
          System.out.println("Node value : " + root.value);

String to Long in Java

package Question1;

public class StringToLong {

public static void main(String[] args) {

StringToLong _StringToLong = new StringToLong();

public void Test()
long i = 0;
String[] stringArray = {"123", "-123", "9223372036854775807", "-9223372036854775808", "a12" };

for (String obj : stringArray)
i = this.StringToLong(obj);

if (i == Long.parseLong(obj))
System.out.println(obj + ": ... success ...");
} else {
System.out.println(obj + ":... failure ...");

} catch(Exception e) {

public long StringToLong(String str) throws NumberFormatException
long result = 0L, digit = 1L;

// Check Negative Number
boolean negativeNumber = false;

if(str.substring(0, 1).equals("-"))
negativeNumber = true;
str = str.substring(1);

// Check Number or not
throw new NumberFormatException(str + " has Invalid Character");

for (int i = str.length() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
// number zero = ASCII code 48
result += ((long) str.charAt(i) - 48L) * digit;
digit *= 10;

// If Negative Number, go negative
result = -result;

return result;